Florida Entomological Society

Executive Committee Meeting

April 20, 2000

USDA, CMAVE, Gainesville, FL

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Executive Committee Members in Attendance: Lance Peterson, John Sivinski, Pat Greany, Julie Stavisky, Nancy Epsky, Marco Toapanta, John Capinera, Richard Mankin, and Teresa DuChene.

Committee Chairs and FES Members in Attendance: Robert Meagher, Lois Wood, Jeff Shapiro, Howard Frank, and Tom Walker.

President's Opening Remarks: The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. on April 20, 2000, by President Peterson.

Secretary (John Petti): Marco and Lois filled in for John who could not attend the meeting. Minutes from the December 9th Executive Committee Meeting were reviewed and accepted by unanimous vote.

Business Manager (Teresa DuChene): Teresa presented a Financial Report for the period to March 31, 2000. John Capinera moved to accept the report, Rob Meagher seconded, and the vote was unanimous in favor. 


Local Arrangements (John Capinera): John introduced a couple issues to be resolved before the annual meeting. 


Program (Pat Greany): Pat announced a submission deadline of May 31st.

Public Relations (Nancy Epsky): Notices for the annual meeting have been sent to the ESA Newsletter and to the Agriculture Network Information Center's Agricultural Conferences, Meetings, and Seminars Calander (www.agnic.org/mtg).

Newsletter (Lois Wood and Nancy Epsky): Lois provided copied of the FES Newsletter schedule of publication and items to be included in each of the four issues.


Honors and Awards (Greg Nuessly): Lois announced Greg Nuessly (not present) as new Chairman of the Honors and Awards Committee and reported that she had placed a call for award nominations in the Newsletter on his behalf.

Caribbean Directory (Howard Frank): Howard reported that the Venezuelan Entomological Society had approached him for ideas to help boost their subscriptions. Working with Howard and Marco Toapanta, Julie Stavisky presented ideas for reciprocal Web advertisements with links to give both Societies more exposure. Howard motioned for approval to contact the VES Webmaster to establish a mutual agreement, John Sivinski seconded, and vote was unanimous in favor. 

Computer Resources / Long-Range Planning / Webmaster (Richard Mankin): Richard reports that the committee has spent the first quarter of 2000 focusing on the problems of declining membership and the slow progress of merging the business manager and Website databases.


Publications (Tom Walker): Tom provided a detailed report on e-publication of the Florida Entomologist.


Nominations (John Sivinski) John announced nominations for the 2000 ballot.

Next Meeting of the Executive Committee will be at the 1999-2000 Annual Business Meeting in Naples.

Meeting Adjourned at 2:55 pm.

Submitted by: John Petti, Secretary

July 9, 2000

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09/22/00 Richard Mankin