


Stoneflies (Order Plecoptera) are an important biotic component of aquatic ecosystems in northern Florida. The nymphs prefer cool, clean, running water and are excellent indicators of a healthy stream. Nymphs of this species, as well as other members of the family Perlidae, prey on a wide range of stream macroinvertebrates.  Adults can be found around lights after dark. (Photo by Peter Kovarik)



Stonefly: Acroneuria arenosa (Pictet) (Family: Perlidae)

Habitat: unpolluted streams and rivers

Florida range: northern Florida

Larval microhabitat: found on woody debris and leaf packs in flowing water

Flight: one generation per year, adults are present late April through June in Florida. Like most stoneflies, this species is nocturnal.

Occurrence: common

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